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Halo 3 ODST - Out of Oni Alpha Site

The SuperWaffle
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Halo 3 ODST - Out of Oni Alpha Site Empty Halo 3 ODST - Out of Oni Alpha Site

Message par The SuperWaffle Jeu 15 Aoû 2013 - 0:09

Hey guys, Waffle here to bring you Termacious Trickocity’s next video. In this week’s line up we
have a trick thought to be impossible and one of only two maps that haven’t been broken in Halo History. We all hope you guys enjoy this tutorial on how to get out of ONI Alpha Site!

The SuperWaffle

Messages : 12
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2012
Âge : 38
Réputation : 10

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Message par FaNAtiiK Jeu 15 Aoû 2013 - 0:27

Already see it on your channel ^^
So amazing!

The SuperWaffle a écrit:one of only two maps that haven’t been broken in Halo History.
What's the other map? :o

GamerTag : FF9 I FaNAtiiK
Team : Team TnP
Messages : 2240
Date d'inscription : 26/07/2010
Âge : 28
Réputation : 214
Talent : Metsuryuu Ougi ... Kaï!
Halo favori : Halo Reach
Domaine favori : Tricks & EE

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Message par Cox Jeu 15 Aoû 2013 - 1:48

This is a very cool glitch, and it's pleasant to get back to H3 - ODST (and to remember some Halo 3 - The Ark things ^^) !

Your way was very complex and original, congratulations for that !

Let us know each time you realise such a good tutorial Wink

GamerTag : I Co0oX I
Team : CRéA
Messages : 17431
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2008
Âge : 36
Réputation : 708
Talent : Oeil critique
Halo favori : Halo 3
Domaine favori : Tricks & EE


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Message par The SuperWaffle Jeu 15 Aoû 2013 - 6:43

FaNAtiiK a écrit:Already see it on your channel ^^
So amazing!

The SuperWaffle a écrit:one of only two maps that haven’t been broken in Halo History.
What's the other map? :o
Hard to navigate this website. Took me awhile to find the quote button. xD

The other map is "NMPD" on ODST. Im strictly speaking H1-Reach though. No idea with halo 4. But this map and NMPD were the only 2 maps in those 4 games to not have been broken out of in any way whatsoever.

P.S- I wish everyone from Playcrea and Jumprs all spoke French or English! Imagine the huge community we would have. Its just damn unfourtunete that there is this huge language barrier that splinters the whole halo tricking community literally in two.
The SuperWaffle

Messages : 12
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2012
Âge : 38
Réputation : 10

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Message par Level Jeu 15 Aoû 2013 - 8:58

Too long for me :kappa:
But that's amazing :O
Social Medias
Social Medias

GamerTag : Imlevelzer0
Messages : 3255
Date d'inscription : 04/05/2009
Âge : 25
Réputation : 26
Talent : Chaussure
Halo favori : Halo 3 : ODST
Domaine favori : Tricks & EE

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Message par timb0uton Jeu 15 Aoû 2013 - 12:16

The SuperWaffle a écrit:The other map is "NMPD" on ODST. Im strictly speaking H1-Reach though. No idea with halo 4. But this map and NMPD were the only 2 maps in those 4 games to not have been broken out of in any way whatsoever.
I think it could be fun to do some kind of contest of findig ways to break NMPD, juging on the interest and complexity of the trick/glitch (or whatever you call it, for me it's a trick, even if it's glitching the game). And there could be some kinds of rewards to boost a bit trickers and glitchers to find something (like for exemple a special "NMPD Tricker" award (on Jumprs.org) or something like a special edit of the trick, or featured trick on the front page of jmprs or Play Crea (or both) for a period, or anything else)... What do you think about it ?

The SuperWaffle a écrit:P.S- I wish everyone from Playcrea and Jumprs all spoke French or English! Imagine the huge community we would have. Its just damn unfourtunete that there is this huge language barrier that splinters the whole halo tricking community literally in two.
It's true that this is really sad ; I think, we could learn a lot from tricking with each others, if only there wasn't this barrier...

GamerTag : Timbouton
Team : Killing Frenzy Crew (KFC)
Messages : 496
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2013
Âge : 30
Réputation : 38
Talent : Je le cherche encore.
Halo favori : Halo Reach
Domaine favori : Tricks & EE

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Message par timb0uton Dim 18 Aoû 2013 - 21:23

Why tried NMPD with Manux this afternoon... I understand why nobody found anything yet... The mission is really short and there's a lot of barriers... We just found one launch that makes you go on the top at the end, but it's really small... The same launch in a different angle could make you go to the platform just before the end...

GamerTag : Timbouton
Team : Killing Frenzy Crew (KFC)
Messages : 496
Date d'inscription : 10/08/2013
Âge : 30
Réputation : 38
Talent : Je le cherche encore.
Halo favori : Halo Reach
Domaine favori : Tricks & EE

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Message par TekTek i la Dim 18 Aoû 2013 - 21:43

The SuperWaffle a écrit:
Hard to navigate this website. Took me awhile to find the quote button. xD
Sorry about that french interface, still i hope buttons are logically put around the messages (intuitive navigation w/o words) ^^'

The SuperWaffle a écrit:
P.S- I wish everyone from Playcrea and Jumprs all spoke French or English! Imagine the huge community we would have. Its just damn unfourtunete that there is this huge language barrier that splinters the whole halo tricking community literally in two.
We all'd like to regroup the whole tricking community together : just like speedruners' community works, i'm sure we can manage to have international tricking community ! English is the internet's mother-language we can say :b

And that was some really great tutorial, i really like the way it is done. And bravo for the OoB !
TekTek i la
TekTek i la

GamerTag : I TekTek I
Team : Créa
Messages : 3175
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2008
Âge : 33
Réputation : 249
Talent : Wanker
Halo favori : Halo 2
Domaine favori : Autres

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