Exploring Outside of Halo 4 Multiplayer Maps
2 participants
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Exploring Outside of Halo 4 Multiplayer Maps
I didnt exactly now where to put this, seeing as it's not a 100% mod. If the admins want to move it somewhere else that's fine.
Also, for some reason I can't embed videos on this site.
Also, for some reason I can't embed videos on this site.
Dernière édition par TekTek i la le Dim 13 Oct 2013 - 20:17, édité 1 fois (Raison : embedded player)
T00LBOX- Soldat
- GamerTag : T00LBOX
Team : TermaciousTrickocity
Messages : 68
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2012
Âge : 29
Réputation : 30
Talent : Tricking
Halo favori : Halo Reach
Domaine favori : Tricks & EE
Re: Exploring Outside of Halo 4 Multiplayer Maps
I just embedded this. The code given by youtube lacks 'http:' in the src ; so forumactif can't find the vid.
What is the real impact of the mod on this ? If it really affect the trick, we would maybe place this somewhere else
This reminds me of the good old halo 2 days. Where 16 player were able to chill out of any maps
What is the real impact of the mod on this ? If it really affect the trick, we would maybe place this somewhere else
This reminds me of the good old halo 2 days. Where 16 player were able to chill out of any maps
TekTek i la- Légende
- GamerTag : I TekTek I
Team : Créa
Messages : 3175
Date d'inscription : 04/08/2008
Âge : 33
Réputation : 249
Talent : Wanker
Halo favori : Halo 2
Domaine favori : Autres
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