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Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks

4 participants

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Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks Empty Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks

Message par T00LBOX Dim 10 Fév 2013 - 0:16


GamerTag : T00LBOX
Team : TermaciousTrickocity
Messages : 68
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2012
Âge : 29
Réputation : 30
Talent : Tricking
Halo favori : Halo Reach
Domaine favori : Tricks & EE

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Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks Empty Re: Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks

Message par B2T Charley Mar 12 Fév 2013 - 22:47

Yo T00LBOX, do you speak french? Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks 650269930

EDIT: Btw nice find but I already saw it as I am subscribed to you Wink
B2T Charley
B2T Charley

GamerTag : B2T Charley
Team : Bouboule
Messages : 230
Date d'inscription : 25/04/2012
Âge : 27
Réputation : 37
Talent : Trick jumping
Halo favori : Halo 3
Domaine favori : Vidéos


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Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks Empty Re: Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks

Message par T00LBOX Jeu 14 Fév 2013 - 6:13

No, I am not french Sad. I spoke a tiny bit in school but not really.

GamerTag : T00LBOX
Team : TermaciousTrickocity
Messages : 68
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2012
Âge : 29
Réputation : 30
Talent : Tricking
Halo favori : Halo Reach
Domaine favori : Tricks & EE

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Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks Empty Re: Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks

Message par Treason and Lie Jeu 14 Fév 2013 - 11:35

T00LBOX a écrit:No, I am not french Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks 1371890812. I spoke a tiny bit in school but not really.
You should try. Your video is excellente, i'll try it the next time.
Treason and Lie
Treason and Lie

GamerTag : Treason and Lie
Team : Aucune
Messages : 3768
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2012
Âge : 28
Réputation : 175
Talent : Poète & Écrivain.

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Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks Empty Re: Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks

Message par B4bz Jeu 14 Fév 2013 - 20:48

Yeah, that is a pretty nice trick !
Thank you for posting this here, I'll try it soon Wink

Franchement, je trouve que plus ça va, plus les Halos sont permissifs ^^

GamerTag : l34bz
Messages : 257
Date d'inscription : 30/06/2009
Âge : 30
Réputation : 43
Talent : Concepteur
Halo favori : Halo CE
Domaine favori : Images

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Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks Empty Re: Halo 4 Out of Shutdown with Pelicans + other tricks

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