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How to get completely out of Shutdown

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How to get completely out of Shutdown Empty How to get completely out of Shutdown

Message par T00LBOX Dim 20 Jan 2013 - 0:24


In this vid I show you how to get out of Shutdown near the end and at the very end. Its a pretty big out of map, probably second biggest behind the Midnight one. Surprisingly there is a lot to do once you get out. You can go back to other areas where you usually can't fly a banshee, you can walk ontop an invisible barrier, and you get make your banshee gold or purple or both as well as your spartan!


GamerTag : T00LBOX
Team : TermaciousTrickocity
Messages : 68
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2012
Âge : 29
Réputation : 30
Talent : Tricking
Halo favori : Halo Reach
Domaine favori : Tricks & EE

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How to get completely out of Shutdown Empty Re: How to get completely out of Shutdown

Message par Treason and Lie Dim 20 Jan 2013 - 10:15

Very good job ! I'll try.
Treason and Lie
Treason and Lie

GamerTag : Treason and Lie
Team : Aucune
Messages : 3768
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2012
Âge : 28
Réputation : 175
Talent : Poète & Écrivain.

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